Brown trout were first stocked into Alberta waters in 1924, and since then
have adapted extremely well to the conditions here. They are now abundant in many slower moving streams in Alberta, and grow
to enormous sizes in the Bow River as well as the Red Deer river, and tributaries thereof (and when you find them, the Oldman
River as well).
Considered by many to be the "hardest trout to catch", they thrive in the
Bow even in downtown Calgary, a city of near one million people.
Each year Brown Trout close to 30 inches are landed in Alberta, and numerous
fish of 23-26 inches are caught by our clients each year. The Browns we target are in the Bow River, and the best time
of year for a true trophy Brown is just before, during, and just after runoff (usually in June. Large streamers fished in
tight to banks at this time of year can be effective, as can fishing large black stonefly nymphs right against the banks.
Many large Browns are also taken throughout the summer by staying well
into the night fishing the caddis hatches. Brown trout are more partial to cover (log jams, beaver dams) and you can usually
find at least one or two holding in these structures.
There is always something special about a really big Brown, something hard
to explain, but when you hold a big one in your hands, you just know.
We'd love to help give you the experience! :)